"Have we learned anything from the past?"
"How long is the memory of a country?"
Answers: NO and between 20-80 years apparently. I am tired of economists and politicians saying we are in the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression...that means we are in a depression. But you know that. The way we got out of the last depression was the New Deal put in place By FDR who used over 3,000 executive orders to combat that financial crisis (So yes Mr. President Elect pull out the pens and get to work). I could tell you how this crisis affects us all, even and especially wandering poets now looking for a job, or even how cold it is in NY as milk, transit (they raising the price of a Metrocard Son!), cigarettes ($9.00 a pack) prices are raised. I could do that...kinda like...I just did but instead I would like to ask you to join me in making suggestions for the next new deal. I'm not an economist but these seem to be common sense to me but we all know that common sense isn't...well lets just get to it.
American minimum wage (or whichever countries is highest:-) globalized which would eliminate a lot of exploitation of workers, countries and keep jobs in house in most cases.
Create jobs for those unemployed (like myself) building the infrastructure of this country updating it to the 21st century+80years till our memories get foggy and we have to have another one of these financial crisis depression things.
Obviously make those automakers we are going to bail out concentrate on building hybrid and electric cars for the environment (I like trees and breathing) and eliminate our dependency on those terrorists...rich people.
Put some people in jail, not the usual suspects, CEO's, CFO's, politicians (I can think of at least 2 who would look good in handcuff bracelets) and continue to put them in jail as the screw up people's pensions and lives speculating in the stock market
Eliminate the stock market and all speculation (oil, currency, etc.) and value commodities at what they are actually worth in today's dollars...radical I know
Base the currency of every country on something of value and not those eliminated stock markets. The currency would then become money again worth exactly what was backing it and not the whims of old men and old money who wake up and think the price of concentrated orange juice is going to go up. (think Trading Places:-)
but enough from me (and I have made light of some of these obviously)
What provisions would you put into The Next New Deal?